πŸ”§ New Project Settings πŸ”§
Managing your projects just got easier! We've added a new item in the project-level sidebar that lets you perform common actions like renaming or deleting a project.
πŸ› οΈ Enhanced Workspace Settings πŸ› οΈ
Your workspace is now even more flexible! We've refined the settings to allow you to rename your workspace and made the UI more consistent across the different sections for a smoother experience.
πŸ“œ Redesigned Logs πŸ“œ
We've completely redesigned our Logs for a cleaner, more user-friendly interface. Plus, Logs now also display the JSON representation of what's being sent from Langtail to end providers like OpenAI. We think you'll love this upgrade as much as we do!
πŸ” OpenAI Tools Support πŸ”
We're thrilled to announce that support for the new OpenAI Tools is here! Functions now visually resemble TypeScript functions and are even typesafe. The types are generated based on the JSON schema. We're confident you'll find them incredibly useful.